Category Archives for "Healthy Life Style"

The Less Known Benefits of Radishes

The Less Known Benefits of Radishes

The lowly radish may seem like nothing more than an underused and unnecessary salad vegetable or a cute little red root to make into a rose-shaped garnish, but Raphanussativus is actually part of the Brassicaceae family of plants, formerly known as Crucifers or Cruciferae, and includes such important vegetables as mustard greens, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, […]

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Benefits of Vitamin D3

Benefits of Vitamin D3

It’s common knowledge in medical circles that most of the world’s population is deficient in the essential vitamin D, which is actually a hormone and not a vitamin at all. Unlike other vitamins, given enough sunlight the body can make almost all the vitamin D it needs, but because of modern lifestyles, most of us […]

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Juice Cleanse

The top benefits of juice cleanse

Over the past few decades, the world has become overfed and undernourished. When we’re sick we look for a quick fix from a doctor and we think this will make us well again, but despite the ever increasing array of medicines available, the current middle aged population reports feeling less healthy than the generation that […]

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Best herbs for curing inflammation fast

Inflammation is a natural process in which the body recruits cells of immune system, specifically white blood cells at the place of injury or infection to protect it from invading foreign pathogens like bacteria, fungus or virus. However, when the body defense system triggers the inflammatory pathways in the absence of foreign invasion it results […]

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Epsom salt

Less known Benefits of Epsom Salt Bath

Magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) is a mineral compound of magnesium and sulfur, and really not a salt at all. It got its common name, Epsom salts, from Epsom spring in Surrey, England, where locals and wealthy gentlemen elite have been travelling to receive the benefits of the healing waters since the early 1600s. In more […]

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