Lemon – Uses and Benefits http://uses-and-benefits.com Uses and benefits of the most natural products! Fri, 22 Sep 2017 11:06:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.3 http://uses-and-benefits.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/favicon2-50x50.png Lemon – Uses and Benefits http://uses-and-benefits.com 32 32 Lemon Water Benefits for Liver, Skin & Weight Loss http://uses-and-benefits.com/lemon/lemon-water-benefits/ http://uses-and-benefits.com/lemon/lemon-water-benefits/#respond Sat, 03 Jun 2017 10:48:03 +0000 http://uses-and-benefits.com/?p=1207 Lemon water has been the cynosure of much of scientific attention as there has always been much talk about its impact on weight loss when consumed first thing in the morning with warm water and honey. The results quoted have always been surrounded by much doubt yet the excitement about lemon water never quite abated.

Research shows amazing effect on increasing metabolic rate, detoxifying the system, toning of the liver, and cleansing the digestive process by balancing the pH level, as well as building immunity. Today, it is one of the most accepted and pronounced systems of natural cleansing.

To understand what lemon water really does, we need to understand its composition first.

Lemon juice is an acid with about 2 to 3% of citric acid and has many variations of B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E as well as almost every mineral needed for the human body. Lemon juice or lime juice provides you the maximum concentration of citric acid than any other kind of food or fruit.

Effect of Lemon Water on Skin

Lemon Water BenefitsIt is one of the most potent sources of vitamin C, the element which helps in cell restructuring and renewal. This is the most important reason why lemon water matters for skin health. It is known to help reduce wrinkles and any other environmental damage by helping increase the speed of cell renewal and effective damage control due to sun exposure and other hazards. The alkaline nature of lemons kills bacteria and helps clear the skin and its circulatory system of all forms of infections thus maintaining perfect skin balance.

Purulent skin infections due to excessive sebum on the skin(caused if your skin is oily especially during summer sun exposure) lead to skin flora like micrococcus.

A study proves that soaking the peel of lemon in water helps the water derive astringent-like effect on the skin, effectively limiting the presence of infection-causing microbes. Lemon water cleans the skin from within and thus aids the checking of acne formation.

Lemon Water and Its effect on Digestion and the Liver

It is believed that lemon water integrates well with the body’s very own immunologic systems to help it perform its detox function to the best of its ability. It has a molecular composition the same as saliva, helping the digestive system that nudges the liver to perform better. This aids in the production of digestive acids to a level that does not cause dyspepsia and heartburn.

The presence of high quantum of vitamin C present in lemons is a major spur to help create just the right conditions to tone the liver and aid in fat burning as well. The Journal of Medical College of Nutrition stated in 2005 that, vitamin C is inversely related to your body mass.

Further research showed that lemons have polyphenols that are known to fight fat deposits in the body and work as antioxidants and that those with sufficient vitamin C intake through polyphenols could resist weight gain, insulin resistance, high blood sugar, excessive fat in the bloodstream, and fat pad occurrence.

The presence of flavonoids in lemon is supposed to target the health of the liver and directly affect triglycerides and the production of cholesterol in your liver. What the journal was basically trying to say is that by positively affecting liver function, lemon water has the ability to flush out toxins and help cure obesity and diabetes.

Weight Loss and Lemon Water Usage

To understand this better, let us get into what causes weight gain. The slowing down of metabolism causes our body to convert even the simplest of fats and carbohydrates into more fats. The effective way thus to combat this would be to spike the metabolism itself.

lemon water weight loss
When one has lemon water first thing in the morning rather than any other form of beverage especially when warm water infused with lemon is taken, it helps in weight loss programs though it may not be the only reason for weight loss. The acids in the lemon help slow down the digestion process and thus helps in regulating insulin spikes that in turn could help regulate sugars in the blood and curb hunger spikes that have been known to be related to levels of sugar.

A study in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition showed how a clinical trial on mice proved that the polyphenols present in lemons were active in fat reduction and also helped in improving insulin resistance.

Also, the help it gives to the digestive health improves the absorption of food nutrients and aids in the toning of the intestines and thus helps in reducing toxin buildup. Further studies have also proved that if the body gets adequate amounts of vitamin C, the ability to burn fat increases 30% more when on some exercise routine. The juice of one lemon has 18 milligrams, while our need per day is 80–90 milligrams.

While lemon water may not be that magic formulation that will help you lose weight, it may, of course, play a key role in aiding it and helping you along the way. Besides, its great side effects of spurring higher metabolic rate, detox ability, and great skin benefits are good enough reasons to switch to it,  and it has the winsome taste too that is easily liked by many.

lemon water health


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Lemon juice benefits http://uses-and-benefits.com/lemon/lemon-juice-benefits/ http://uses-and-benefits.com/lemon/lemon-juice-benefits/#respond Tue, 05 Jul 2016 10:02:15 +0000 http://uses-and-benefits.com/?p=694 Lemon juice is not just for making refreshing and vitamin-C rich lemonade. Lemon juice has been widely used as cooking ingredient, to remove laundry stains, for skin and hair care, as cleaning agent and for deodorizing. However, it is for its health benefits that lemon juice is really valued.

lemon juiceAside from vitamin C, lemon juice includes many nourishing elements like vitamins B6, A and E, folate, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, protein and more that allow it to provide relief against the following health issues:

1. Kidney Stones

Daily intake of one half-cup of lemon juice raises citrate levels in the urine. Studies have shown that urinary citrate can prevent the formation of calcium oxalate urolithiasis or calcium stones in the kidney. This is based on a study conducted on rats and published on “BMC Urology” in 2007 and other studies by the American Urological Association.

2. Sore Throat

Lemon has both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Mixing lemon juice with honey can help lessen the discomfort caused by an itchy and sore throat.

3. Itchy Skin

People suffering from itchy skin can also benefit from the anti-inflammatory and anesthetic medicinal properties of lemon juice. Rubbing lemon juice on itchy and swollen skin caused by poison ivy or insect bites can soothe the affected skin area.

4. Indigestion

Drinking lemon juice in water with soda, salt and sugar or honey whenever you have a heavy meal can help cure problems related to indigestion and constipation. Adding a few drops of lemon on your dish except when you’re taking it with milk, will also aid digestion. Lemon juice acts as a blood purifier and a cleansing agent.

5. Fever

When your temperature goes up caused by colds or flu, drinking a lemon juice mixture can help bring your fever down faster. Lemon juice helps bring body temperature down by increasing perspiration.

6. Nose Bleeding

The antiseptic and coagulant properties of lemon juice can help stop nose bleeding. Wet a small piece of cotton with lemon juice to a small cotton ball and place it inside your nose to stop bleeding.

7. High Blood Pressure

Lemon juice contains potassium that helps control high blood pressure. Every 100 gram of lemon juice has 138 mg potassium.

8. Burns

Lemon juice can help fade burn scars. For irritating burn, the cooling effect of lemon juice can reduce the burning sensation on the affected skin area.

While lemon juice has a lot of health benefits, you should also keep in mind the following side effects:

1. Ulcers and GERD

One of the triggers of gastroesphageal reflux disorder (GERD), are acidic foods and drinks like lemon juice. Increased acidity may also irritate the stomach lining and stop the ulcer from healing properly. Until it has been metabolized by the body, lemon juice is still acidic.

2. Tooth Decay

High citric acid content of lemon juice can cause tooth enamel to decay according to a study published in “Caries Research” in 1996. To lessen the risk of enamel decay, do not drink pure lemon juice; mix it with another liquids and other solid food.

Also, don’t forget to rinse your mouth after drinking lemonade or eating food with lemon juice. Use soft-bristle toothbrush.

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What Does Lemon Water Do for You? http://uses-and-benefits.com/lemon/what-does-lemon-water-do-for-you/ http://uses-and-benefits.com/lemon/what-does-lemon-water-do-for-you/#respond Thu, 23 Jun 2016 10:11:37 +0000 http://uses-and-benefits.com/?p=543 Lemon water is prepared like warm lemonade but without sugar or other sweeteners. It doesn’t sound appealing, right? However, if you consider the impressive health benefits from regularly having lemon water, you might consider it worth your effort to learn to like lemon water. Here are some of the health improvements that lemon water can do for you:

Helps Improve Digestion and Detoxification

 The similarity in the atomic structures of lemon juice and the digestive juices allows the former to trick the liver to produce more bile which is essential for digestion.  Bile also improves peristaltic action in the intestines that helps food move smoothly through the intestinal tract until out of the body. The liver also uses bile, with the help of the gall bladder to get rid of body toxins. As a mild diuretic, lemon water also helps body detoxification through increased rate of urination.

 Boosts The Immune System 

Lemon water is a rich source of the following vitamins and minerals:

What Does Lemon Water Do for You?Vitamin C – an antioxidant that stimulates the production of white blood cells which is vital for the proper function of the immune system. Vitamin C also prevents oxidation of body cells.

Vitamin B – boosts energy production

Riboflavin – for tissue repair

Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium – for strong bones and teeth

Potassium – helps control blood pressure as well as improve nerve and brain function. 

Helps keep the skin healthy

As an anti oxidant, Vitamin C is an anti-aging agent that helps reduce wrinkles, blemishes and other damage caused by free radicals. Regular intake of vitamin C also helps the body produce collagen that is needed for smooth, younger-looking skin according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Helps Fight Food Craving and Reduce Weight 

Lemons contain pectin fiber that makes you feel full longer, reducing your food craving.  With less food intake, you will consequently loss weight.

Helps Balance Body pH

What Does Lemon Water Do for You?Potential hydrogen or pH, is the measure of the alkalinity or acidity of the fluids and tissues in the body.  The pH scale is from 1 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral. A pH below 7 means that the substance is acidic, while a pH above 7 means that the substance is alkaline.  The lower the pH, the more acidic the substance is; the higher the pH, the more alkaline the substance is.

A healthy and balanced body pH is slightly alkaline, about 7.365. The body pH keeps changing but except in the stomach, which is very acidic to aid digestion, should be within the range of 6 and 7.5. Imbalanced body pH affects the immune system, allows the abnormal growth of organisms, damages tissues and the proper function of vital body organs.

Due to the food we eat, the human body tends to be acidic. Drinking lemon water daily helps keep the body slightly alkaline. Lemon juice is acidic as is but after it is fully metabolized or changed into the form that can be utilized by the body, it has an alkalizing effect.

The pH of body fluids like the saliva and urine can be checked using pH test strips or through blood tests. Lemon water is the easy and inexpensive way to ensure an adequate supply of vitamin C because the human body does not produce vitamin C on its own.

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Is lemon water good for you http://uses-and-benefits.com/lemon/is-lemon-water-good-for-you-2/ http://uses-and-benefits.com/lemon/is-lemon-water-good-for-you-2/#respond Wed, 22 Jun 2016 13:18:23 +0000 http://uses-and-benefits.com/?p=517 Looking for an inexpensive way to detoxify your system, aid digestion and to get a glowing clear skin within your home premises, try lemon water. Drinking water infused with lemon keeps your metabolism whining. This tangy drink with loads of vitamin C offers an array of benefits which soft drinks did not possess. So adopt this sour healthy drink with lesser calories as we will give you enough reasons for this.

Per 100 grams of lemon juice is bestowed with multiple nutrients like 46mg Vitamin C, 20IU Vitamin A, 0.2mg Vitamin E, 0.1mg Niacin, 0.1mg Vitamin B6, 13mcg folate, 7mg calcium, 6mg magnesium, 6mg phosphorus, 124mg potassium and 0.1mg zinc.

benefits of lemon

1. Boost Immunity

Lemons rich in vitamin C boost immunity and helps body to fight against common allergies and infection. It is known to stimulate enzymes to fight against several metabolic and communicable diseases.

2. Detoxification

This is the best known benefit of lemon water. Lemon water stimulates liver for enhanced bile production which facilitates the elimination of undigested food and related toxins from entire body. It is suggested to drink lemon with luke-warm water empty stomach in morning to get maximum health benefits.
lemon water in the morning

3. Balance blood glucose levels

Lemon contains bioflavonoids which gives the fruit its yellow color. Bioflavonoids not only enhance the body antioxidant defense mechanism but also improve insulin secretion, thereby regulating blood glucose levels in case of type II diabetes. Further, its main constituent vitamin C is a natural antioxidant which also incurs significant effect over elevated sugar levels.

4. Prevent urinary tract infection

As lemon is anti bacterial and anti fungal in nature, regular consumption of lemon water early in morning detoxify your whole system and swipe out any kind of bacteria present in urinary tract. As lemon water is diuretic in nature you may feel frequent urine urge, but it is completely fine as it ensures total cleansing of your urinary tract and system.

5. Skin rejuvenation

Lemon miracle……this super fruit is rich in antioxidants that promote collagen synthesis. It also scavenges free radicals thus preventing fine lines and wrinkles. Regular consumption of lemon water cleanses the system as well as blood which reflect on your skin. Drinking lemon water daily may reduce pimples, spots and blemishes from skin leaving a clear porcelain look.

6. Helps in weight Loss

Lemon water contains pectin, a fiber that helps you to feel fuller and thus suppress appetite. However, it may cause some bloating if you drink it in morning with lukewarm water. If the bloating persists for longer duration, stop drinking lemon water.

7. Asthma treatment

Drinking lemon water is one of the best remedies for asthma treatment. As lemon is rich in vitamin C, it can fight free radicals that cause smooth muscle contraction. It also scavenges the radicals which block the air constriction.

8. Fight cancer

Bioflavonoids present in lemon may prevent some of the malignant cell progression by killing free radicals thus preventing cell oxidation.

9. Regulate blood pressure

Compounds present in lemon juice helps in fat metabolism and prevent fat deposition in arteries. Patients with high blood pressure can include lemon water in their daily routine to maintain a healthy heart.

10. Helps in constipation

Last but not the least….. Lemon with warm water helps to loosen the stool and ease motion. So drink 1 glass of lemon juice daily to get rid of constipation problem permanently.

is lemon good for you

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Benefits of Warm Lemon Water – Really Impressive! http://uses-and-benefits.com/lemon/benefits-of-warm-lemon-water/ http://uses-and-benefits.com/lemon/benefits-of-warm-lemon-water/#respond Wed, 22 Jun 2016 11:34:36 +0000 http://uses-and-benefits.com/?p=499 Have you been enjoying refreshing ice-cold lemonade ever since you were a child? For many of us lemons are for lemonade, fish dishes and baked goodies. Drinking warm lemon water, however, is not something we have even considered.

Read on to find out some of the ways in which drinking warm lemon water improves your health.

Benefits of Warm Lemon Water

The benefits of drinking warm lemon water are threefold, coming from the water, the lemon and the fact that it is warm. The warmth reduces the amount of energy your body needs to make use of the properties of the lemon water, giving you quicker results.

The Water – Our bodies need water in order for metabolic processes to occur. Other benefits include:

  • boosts concentration and energy levels
  • suppresses your appetite and promotes weight loss
  • helps to flush toxins out of the body
  • moisturizes your skin and improves your complexion
  • relieves migraines and back pain caused by dehydration
  • a natural stool softener for relieving constipation

The Lemon – Lemons have a long history of use in traditional health practices. Recent research backs up its use as a remedy for many conditions, as well as, a preventative measure in others.

Nutrients abound in lemons, giving them their ability to contribute to many areas of wellness. Apart from the high vitamin C content common to all citrus fruits, lemons also have trace amounts of vitamins B1, B2,B6 andB5. Also found in trace amounts in lemons are calcium,copper,iron, manganese,magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.

Here’s a look at some benefits of lemons:

  • Cancer prevention – Lemons are rich in vitamin C, with one lemon providing over 50% of the recommended daily requirement. Vitamin C is a very effective antioxidant. Antioxidants are known to prevent the formation of cancer-causing free radicals in the body.
  • Asthma relief – The vitamin C in lemons is also an antihistamine and noted as helping to reduce the risk of an asthma attack, as well as, relieving the symptoms in cases of an onset.
  • Improves the digestive system – Apart from helping in the production of bile, lemon also helps to maintain optimal pH levels. In addition, both constipation and diarrhoea are prevented or relieved with the use of lemons.
  • Cleanses – Lemon acts as a natural cleanser, flushing toxins and bacteria out of the body. This is due in part to its potent diuretic properties (it increases water loss as urine).
  • Treatment of rheumatism – Because it acts a diuretic, lemon can also prove helpful to persons suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or other forms of rheumatism.
  • Iron absorption – It is well known that iron uptake in cells is maximized in the presence of vitamin C. For this reason, it is always a good idea to have a vitamin C-rich addition to a meal that contains iron.
  • Dissolves uric acid – Uric acid build-up can lead to an extremely painful form of arthritis known as gout. Lemon juice helps to relieve the condition by dissolving uric acid in the blood.
  • Strengthens the immune system – Lemons help to ward off illnesses and aid speedy recovery.

lemon health benefits
These are just a few of the benefits of warm lemon water for your health. Why not add it to your bedtime or wakeup routine to nourish and replenish your body?

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Top Health Benefits of Lemon Juice http://uses-and-benefits.com/lemon/benefits-of-lemon-juice/ http://uses-and-benefits.com/lemon/benefits-of-lemon-juice/#respond Thu, 02 Jun 2016 16:47:38 +0000 http://uses-and-benefits.com/?p=197 When most people think of lemons they think of the sour taste that makes your mouth pucker. Some think of lemonade, but most people don’t equate lemons with being a serious contender for making us healthy.

Benefits of Lemon JuiceLemons or Citrus limon are a cross between the lime and the citron, and were originally cultivated in the Middle East and Africa. Like many other plants, they were then introduced to Europe and the Americas when explorers came to those regions, and lemons have been a major food crop in Florida since the 1500s.

Lemons may be one of the planet’s most widely used fruits and for good reason. They contain vitamin C or ascorbic acid, a nutrient that prevents scurvy and one which was hard to come by when early sailors crossed those vast waters in search of new territory. Lemons traveled well. They also fought infection, another common ailment of early travelers.
lemon health benefits

So how exactly do lemons keep us healthy?

  • Lemon skins contain limonene, an antioxidant also found in limes and oranges. It shows promise in preventing and treating certain cancers, and is used to treat bronchitis and promote weight loss.
  • Limonene is used as a flavoring in toothpaste, gum, baked goods and beverages as well as a scent in body lotions and creams.
  • Citric acid in lemons contains properties that aid digestion.
  • Lemons are a good source of thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, iron, magnesium, fiber, vitamin B6, calcium, copper, folate, and potassium.
  • Lemons contain antioxidants including ascorbic acid, carotenes, zeaxanthin, lutein, and vitamin A which promote production of mucus membranes, skin cell rejuvenation, and healthy vision.
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon pulp and juice contain 5 grams of fiber and only 6 grams of sugar, providing about 22 healthy calories.
  • Lemons protect our DNA by fighting free radicals and help regulate the immune system.

Warm Lemon Water in the Morning

Lemon juice can be taken anytime, but warm lemon and water in the morning will offer significant benefits in addition to lemon’s other qualities.

  • During the long overnight fast when the body is repairing itself and creating toxins in the process, lemon water in the morning quenches thirst, helps eliminate toxins and hydrates tissues with the electrolytes potassium, magnesium and calcium.
  • Lemon water can reduce joint and muscle pain, a common complaint after a night in bed.
  • It aids digestion by stimulating gastric juices so your first meal of the day won’t weigh heavily on your stomach.
  • It helps the liver produce more enzymes and cleans toxins from the blood thereby alleviating strain on the liver.
  • Trouble moving your bowels in the morning? Warm lemon water will help with that, too.
  • And if you get the Monday morning blues, warm lemon water will reduce your blood pressure by as much as 10%, and its high potassium content will reduce anxiety and depression.
  • The pH level in the body when waking is generally more acidic due to the body’s natural metabolic function during repair. Lemon water will bring your pH back to its healthy alkaline state.

How else can you take your lemons?

Use lemon juice in cold or hot tea and other beverages, veggie salads and dressings, as a garnish for fish and vegetables, or in fruitsalads. Lemon extract or lemon zest (the outer yellow portion of the skin) can be used to flavor cakes and cookies, fudge and even toothpaste. The inner white portion or pith can have a bitter taste, so be aware that it will change the flavor of your dish. Always wash lemon skins thoroughly before using the zest or cutting into the lemon.

Making lemonade is an old-school favorite – simply squeeze the juice of several lemons into fresh, purified water and add warm honey to taste – but there are many other ways to use lemons, such as in these unique citrus salads.

Recipe: Lemon Butternut Squash Salad

Ingredients are per serving:

  • Lemon Butternut Squash Salad1/2 cup butternut squash
  • 1/4 cup lemon segments
  • 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon coconut sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • Pinch ground cloves
  • Endive or Romaine leaves
  • Black pepper to taste


  • Cut squash into halves and remove seeds. Place 1 tablespoon butter into each half and sprinkle with sugar.
  • Bake, skin side down, on a lightly greased sheet for about 50 minutes at 400o F or until soft, not fork tender. Remove from oven and set aside to cool slightly.
  • About 10 minutes before squash is done, peel lemons. Separate and peel membrane from each segment so you are left with only juicy flesh.
  • Place segments into a large sauté pan with 1 teaspoon unsalted butter, nutmeg and cloves.
  • Saute over low heat until warmed through and butter starts to brown.


  • Place cleaned and cut endive or Romaine onto plate.
  • When squash is cooled, cut into manageable pieces and place onto greens with warmed lemon.
  • Pour remaining butter over tops and sprinkle with black pepper to taste.
  • Serve warm.

Recipe: Grilled Chicken Citrus Salad

If you don’t have a kitchen grill or outdoor grill, you can make this colorful dish on your stovetop or in the oven.


  • 2 jalapeno peppers, minced
  • 1/4 cup + 1 tablespoon cilantro, roughly chopped
  • 14 ounces coconut cream (not bar mix)
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • Flesh from 2 large lemons
  • 4 skinned and boned chicken breast halves, cut into strips
  • 1 small purple onion, cut into thin narrow slices
  • 1 large red or yellow Bell pepper, cut into narrow strips
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
  • Radicchio or mixed field greens


  • Combine jalapenos, 1/4 cup cilantro, coconut milk, and lemon juice.
  • Place chicken in a shallow dish and add milk mixture.
  • Cover and chill for 45-60 minutes.
  • Discard liquid and grill chicken or bake at 400 for about 15 minutes or until done.
  • While chicken is cooking, sauté veggies and lemon segments in butter


  • Place greens onto a plate and lay one chicken breast on top. Cover each breast with 1/4 of the veggie mixture.
  • Top with remaining 1 tablespoon cilantro.

Recipe: Cold Pink Salad


  • 1 cup plain organic yogurt
  • 2 teaspoons coconut sugar
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • Pinch ground cloves
  • 2 tablespoons mint leaves, minced
  • 1 cup fresh pineapple chunks
  • 1 cup beets, roasted, peeled and cut into cubes
  • 1 cup red Bell pepper with skins, roasted
  • 4 small lemons, peeled and segmented, pith and pits removed
  • 1/2 cup black Greek olives


Whisk together first 5 ingredients for salad dressing and set aside.

Toss remaining ingredients with dressing and divide onto 4 chilled plates.

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