Healthy Life Style – Uses and Benefits Uses and benefits of the most natural products! Fri, 22 Sep 2017 11:06:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Healthy Life Style – Uses and Benefits 32 32 The Less Known Benefits of Radishes Fri, 24 Jun 2016 02:39:03 +0000 The lowly radish may seem like nothing more than an underused and unnecessary salad vegetable or a cute little red root to make into a rose-shaped garnish, but Raphanussativus is actually part of the Brassicaceae family of plants, formerly known as Crucifers or Cruciferae, and includes such important vegetables as mustard greens, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, bokchoy, turnips, and broccoli.

So what’s the buzz on radishes?

They’re loaded with fiber, vitamin C, folates, calcium, and phytochemical compounds that lower your risk of cancer.

  • Isothiocyanates and indoles reduce activity that turns normal cells into cancer cells. Research has shown that they cause cancer cells to turn on themselves rather than on healthy cells. Eating radishes and other crucifers over a long term reduces your risk of several types of cancer including melanoma, colorectal and others.
  • Fiber in radishes can actually help you lose weight because you’ll feel full sooner and longer, plus they help the digestive tract by preventing constipation.
  • Phytonutrients boost the immune system so you’re less prone to infections and wounds heal more quickly.
  • Radishes also help to lower cholesterol levels in the blood and normalize blood sugar.

benefits of radishes

Types of Radishes

Like most plants, there are at least a dozen varieties of edible radishes that range in color from white to black and green to red. Some are peppery, spicy or pungent, and others are sweet, mild and juicy. Radishes can range in size from a small round one-inch root to the 100 pound Sakurjima Mammoth. The most commonly found radishes in supermarkets are the daikon and the cherry belle.


Also called white radish, winter radish or Oriental radish, the Japanese or true daikon radish looks somewhat like a white carrot. It has a milder flavor than the red (cherry belle) radish and can grow up to 1 1/2 feet long with a diameter of 2-3 inches.

Cherry Belle

The Less Known Benefits of RadishesThis is the round red radish you’ll find most often in the supermarket, and is often cut into fancy shapes and used as a garnish in restaurants.

One unique medicinal use for radishes comes from the early 1900s. Expressing the juice of the white or black Spanish radish can remove or dissolve any hard cholesterol lumps called gallstones that might accumulate in the gallbladder.

  • Take 1/2 – 2 cups of the juice of white or black radishes daily for 2-3 weeks, then decrease the amount to about 1/2 cup 3x a week for 3 more weeks.

This treatment has not been scientifically proven, but generally, many botanical treatments have some foundation in success.

Radishes and other crucifers can be eaten raw in salads or with dips, or they can be lightly steamed or sautéed with pastured butter for a delicious side dish. They’re available most of the year, but you’ll find the crispest radishes from April to July. They should be firm to the touch, not mushy, with smooth skin that is not cracked or split. If you purchase them with the leaves on, they’ll stay fresher longer. The greens will wither, but the root will live off the leaves if you store them in the vegetable crisper of your fridge.

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Benefits of Vitamin D3 Fri, 24 Jun 2016 02:25:56 +0000 It’s common knowledge in medical circles that most of the world’s population is deficient in the essential vitamin D, which is actually a hormone and not a vitamin at all. Unlike other vitamins, given enough sunlight the body can make almost all the vitamin D it needs, but because of modern lifestyles, most of us don’t spend much time outdoors on a regular basis. Often, when we do have the opportunity to be outside, climate change has brought us clouds, overcast days, humidity, and sweltering heat so we can’t even enjoy our time. If we’re fortunate enough to spend any time at the beach, we usually apply sunscreen that blocks out the all-important ultraviolet B.

So what exactly is vitamin D?

Vitamin D is hormone that’s created when the body receives sunlight, specifically UVB energy, through the skin, then moves it on to the liver and finally the kidneys where it becomes functionally active. Without it, we lose bone density and in rare cases, a lack of vitamin D causes rickets.

Our tissues contain proteins that bind to vitamin D in the heart, endocrine system, intestines, and muscles among others, and without it, they don’t function properly. Vitamin D has the capacity to upregulate genes that control metabolic processes, which means it’s an active component of DNA repair, immune function and cancer prevention.

Benefits of Vitamin D3Vitamin D has the potential to:

  • Allow the body to absorb calcium and build bone
  • Improve strength and balance by binding to muscle receptors
  • Relieve unexplained muscle and bone pain
  • Reduce the risk of MS
  • Reduce the risk of coronary artery calcification characteristic of low D levels
  • Regulate blood pressure
  • Reduce the risk of stroke
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

What’s the right dosage?

Lifeguards who have had their vitamin D levels tested have been found to have upwards of 6000 ng/ml in their blood. If you have less than 12 ng/mL, you’re considered to be very deficient. But ideally, you’re level should be somewhere between 30 and 50 ng/ml, depending on who you consult. Some experts believe the optimal range is between 50 and 70 ng/ml. If you’re torn between lying in the sun to get you’re vitamin D naturally and avoiding melanoma, take a vitamin D3 supplement. Aim for about 800 units a day. If you’re very low, your doctor can prescribe a once-a-week supplement to bring you up to speed, but don’t take large doses regularly. 2,000 units is still considered safe and it would take massive amounts to become toxic, but it can happen.

Most multiple vitamins will contain between 400 and 800 units of vitamin D. Cod liver oil has a good amount, but it also contains a lot of vitamin A, something that’s easier to get and is also high in multiple vitamins. It’s easier to take too much vitamin A, so don’t take cod liver oil specifically to get vitamin D.

Eat cold water fish such as sardines, salmon and cod, egg yolks and pastured beef liver, or drink orange juice and organic or pastured milk that has been fortified with vitamin D.

The best way to increase your vitamin D level is still adequate and appropriate sun exposure, but how much sun you get and its conversion to vitamin D depends on your age, skin color, geographic elevation, surface reflection (water, sand), and the season and time of day you’re out.

As a rule of thumb, when your skin begins to turn lightly pink, you’ve had enough sun. For people with dark skin, this may be difficult to judge, so start with 15 minutes of midday sun at a time.

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The top benefits of juice cleanse Thu, 23 Jun 2016 07:37:42 +0000 Over the past few decades, the world has become overfed and undernourished. When we’re sick we look for a quick fix from a doctor and we think this will make us well again, but despite the ever increasing array of medicines available, the current middle aged population reports feeling less healthy than the generation that preceded them.

In the mid-twentieth century, processed food entered the standard diets of most Eastern and Western countries and has become increasingly prevalent to the point that the words “whole food” must be defined for clarification. Today’s processed foods are not only nutrient deficient because of poor soil content, but the plants that go into making them are highly sprayed, fumigated, and irradiated toxic time bombs.

Life expectancies are reducing and our children are expected to live ten years less than the current adult population. Most of us are dying from a handful of avoidable diseases. Why are we getting less healthy? It’s because we’re not addressing the issue of health at the source. Instead of applying a fix to the symptoms of our ailments, we should be reclaiming true health by eating real whole foods each and every day.

Significantly reducing the amount of processed foods you eat will go a long way in helping your body fight against heart disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, lower respiratory diseases, and kidney disease, among others, and cleansing the digestive system once or twice a month can aid in preventing or potentially reversing these diseases.

What is Juicing?

Juicing fresh fruit & veggies 2The term juicing simply means to extract the fluid contents (juice) from the cells and tissues of fruits and vegetables. Drinking the juice of plants allows the body to quickly and easily absorb their nutrients.

The mouth, esophagus, liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, small intestine, and large intestine all take part in the complex arena we call digestion which allows us to break down and absorb our food. But even the healthiest foods require a lot of work before they can be broken into small enough particles to pass through cell walls. Juicing gives these organs a break from the overuse and overwork we continually expect from them.

What are the Benefits of a Juice Cleanse?

There are more benefits to be gained from juicing than simply giving your body that all important break.

  • Juicing allows nutrients to be absorbed quickly and easily and increases your energy level.
  • Fresh raw whole fruit and vegetable juicing will clear toxins from the body.
  • Juicing allows you to create combinations of foods which are customized to your specific needs such as sleeping, immune boosting, bone building, insulin regulating, and detoxifying.
  • Juicing on a regular basis (replacing at least 4 meals per week) will cause you to lose weight.
  • Juicing can be done at home and taken on the road and “eaten” on the go.
  • Juicing is a way of pre-digesting food so the stomach is not strained.
  • Juicing can be done with fruits and vegetables that are ripe in season or you can purchase foods and fast freeze them for later use.
  • Produce that is on the verge of becoming overripe can be juiced and is not wasted.
  • Extracted juice can be used for soups with gentle heating or frozen into delicious healthful fruit pops for adults or kids.
  • Juicing is an excellent way to get more vegetables into your diet or your kid’s diets.
  • Juicing will not cause bloating which can be the result of hard to digest plant fiber.
  • Fiber left over from extracted juice can be used in muffins, meat loaf, breads, cookies, gardens, compost, or even animal feed.
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Best herbs for curing inflammation fast Wed, 22 Jun 2016 12:33:05 +0000 Inflammation is a natural process in which the body recruits cells of immune system, specifically white blood cells at the place of injury or infection to protect it from invading foreign pathogens like bacteria, fungus or virus. However, when the body defense system triggers the inflammatory pathways in the absence of foreign invasion it results in the damage of body own tissues with consequent development of many disorders in the longer term.

Further, the exaggerated inflammatory response is almost associated with all diseases including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart and brain disorders. Inflammatory conditions can be curbed through herbal interventions and here we summarize the multiple herbs with potent anti-inflammatory activity.

herbs for inflammation

1. Turmeric

Turmeric is an inevitable part of Indian cuisine. However, this magical herb owes potent anti-inflammatory properties too. Curcumin, one of the active ingredients of turmeric is responsible for its anti-inflammatory activity and helps in significant reduction of inflammation. Half teaspoon of turmeric in warm milk still remains as an effective home remedy for common body pain caused due to inflammation.
garlic, turmeric, ginger

2. Ginger

Ginger, another wonderful spice of Indian super food has been a renowned anti-inflammatory agent since time immemorial. This anti-inflammatory property of ginger rhizome has been attributed to its active ingredient gingerols. Many studies reveal that ginger effectively reduces inflammatory responses by inhibiting the production of toxic free radicals and pro-inflammatory compounds1

3. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper contains a compound called Capsaicin which not only adds the spicy taste to pepper but is also effective in treating inflammation induced pain. Capsaicin is a major ingredient of pain relief ointments and creams as it disturbs the signaling pathway of pain-causing substances released from the brain.

4. Cinnamon

Many studies prove that cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties2.The active component of cinnamon- the cinnamaldehyde were reported to inhibit the NF-kappa B protein that is related to inflammation-induced damage. Further, cinnamon is also known to block some growth factors associated with cancer, stroke, and diabetes.

5. Clove

This super hot flavoring spice is power packed with anti-inflammatory properties. Clove contains an active compound, erugenol that works in part by blocking the COX-2 enzyme that causes inflammation. Clove also contains potent antioxidants like kaempferol and rhamnetin that scavenges free radicals.

6. Garlic

The oil prepared by boiling garlic in mustard oil or sesame oil is the oldest remedy for pain and swelling. Rich in organo-sulfur compounds, this pungent smelling spice soothes the inflammation and pain caused by arthritis by suppressing formation of nitric oxide and prostaglandins which act as chemical messengers in inflammatory pathways3.

7. Saga

Saga contains anti-inflammatory agents like Carnosic acid and carnosol which is potent to prevent brain related inflammation in diseases like Alzheimer’s4.Both of these agents prevents superoxide which otherwise induces inflammation.

8. Black Pepper

Last but not the least; black pepper contains a substance called piperine which is highly effective in treating acute inflammation. Black pepper, the “king of spices” has found to be very effective in arthritic pain due to its potent anti-inflammatory activity5.

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Less known Benefits of Epsom Salt Bath Tue, 31 May 2016 08:49:09 +0000 Magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) is a mineral compound of magnesium and sulfur, and really not a salt at all. It got its common name, Epsom salts, from Epsom spring in Surrey, England, where locals and wealthy gentlemen elite have been travelling to receive the benefits of the healing waters since the early 1600s.

In more modern times, magnesium was found to be essential for many of the body’s enzymatic functions including those that control muscle and Benefits of epsom salt bathnerve action, biochemical reactions like heart rhythm, and immune function. It’s critical for life and a shortage of this mineral can result in leg cramps, brittle nails, restless sleep, hypertension, osteoporosis, body odor, constipation, headaches, and unwarranted fatigue for starters. More than half the population of civilized countries are deficient in magnesium due to poor absorption of minerals, excessive excretion by the kidneys, poor diet, alcohol, or gastrointestinal issues such as Crohn’s or IBS.

How can you avoid magnesium deficiency?

Take a warm Epsom salt bath

Even if you’re experiencing one of the problems that cause magnesium deficiency, magnesium sulfate is easily absorbed through the skin. In one study that simply measured the amount of magnesium and sulfate in the blood both before and after taking an Epsom salt bath, 16 of 19 subjects showed more magnesium and sulfate in their blood after the bath than they did before. So taking a bath in the stuff will work well. Simply fill a tub with hot water to which has been added 2-3 cups of Epsom salts.

When the body is under a lot of stress, whether its internal as in disease or illness, or external like the stress caused by work or even the environment, it uses up stores of magnesium. Soaking in a hot bath will quickly restore your magnesium level and you’ll almost instantly feel its mood elevating effect. Magnesium helps the body produce serotonin so you feel relaxed and will sleep better. In less than a week, leg cramps will disappear, a good sign that the mineral has reached all parts of the body and is doing its job.

You will also begin to notice relief from headaches and asthmatic episodes, as well as faster wound healing and less offensive body/foot odor. If you suffer from diabetes, getting enough magnesium and sulfate improves how insulin reacts in the body. And if constipation is a problem for you, Epsom salts used externally will begin to detoxify the bowels. Drinking a glass of water after or during a bath will help the body move waste.

Be sure to take an Epsom salt bath at least 3x a week. Simply add 2-3 cups of Epsom salts to hot bath water as the tub is filling and soak for 15 minutes. If you want to make your bath a real spa treatment, add essential oils. For a moisturizing soak, add coconut oil. Soaking in an Epsom salt bath will also:

  • Relieve athlete’s foot and other fungus that appears on the skinBenefits of epsom salt bath
  • Lessen lactic acid buildup after a workout (delayed onset muscle soreness)
  • Reduce inflammation from bruises
  • Relieve gout
  • Reduce pain from fibromyalgia
  • Eliminate body odour

Note: When taking an Epsom salt bath, do not use soap, body washes, scrubs, or other cosmetic products.

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